Bequant and WispHub are now integrated

We are very happy to announce that WispHub, a leading administration software for ISPs, is now integrated with Bequant platform. From now, WispHub customers will be able to link Bequant as an external platform using custom API Events.

What is WispHub?
It is a cloud-based wisp and isp management system, which does not require purchasing additional hardware. We integrate into your network transparently through the Mikrotik API.
With WispHub, you do not require a Public IP assigned to your RB.
You can manage registrations, cancellations of clients. Suspend customers for non-payment. Area for finance and technical support. Cuts and automatic billing. You can control your clients by: Simple Queues, PCQ, Hotspot, PPPoE, DHCP Leases, IP/Mac Bindings and IP Bindings.
To install WispHub and integrate Bequant, just follow the step-by-step on our partner's website, on the documentation page.
We are very happy with the partnership and sure that it will bring us good results.