Release Notes
Dual stack IPv4/IPv6 through RADIUS.
Proxy support of RADIUS Change of Authorization.
Integration with Gaia billing system.
Splynx integration can create subscriber groups based onnetwork sites and labels.
400 Gbps of throughput capacity in one server (1024 CPUs).
Live throughput page now includes latency andretransmissions and can be filtered by subscriber group.
Subscriber group dashboard includes DPI and TCPOinformation.
Subscriber groups now have an associated type (dual-stack,access-point, olt, etc.), and they can be filtered per their type.
Subscriber live mode without a time limit.
Tiktok DPI improvements.
DPI support of DTLS.
Improved metric calculation of subscriber QoE and groups.
Drop down lists with search and autocomplete (e.g. policies,subscriber groups, profiles).
Flow Policy shaping limits as percentages of Rate limit. Flow policy shaping limits (per subscriber, per flow or burst) can be based on that subscriber associated subscriber rate limit.
Main Subscriber Live Throughput. Throughput of the subscribers claiming most of the network can be seen in real time. Available in Status→Subscribers→Live Throughput.
Detection of Teleconference Traffic. DPI now identifies Teams, Zoom and Google Meet teleconference traffic. This new traffic categories will appear in the DPI statistics and DPI in live mode. Flow policies can be defined to prioritize this traffic(see example in Configured Policy chapter).
New DPI chart in subscriber group dashboard.
Improved detection of interactive flows to treat them even more favorably when rate limiting is applied.
Improved congestion mitigation by the ACM (Automatic Congestion Management).
Improved latency reduction in TCP uploads (reduced bufferbloat).
New back button in many pages to improve navigation.
Dual stack support for Sonar billing (joint rate policy for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the same subscriber).
New design of TCP Optimization results page
New scatter-plots in subscriber and groups dashboards. They show possible correlations between speed and the following metrics: latency, packet retransmissions and congestion. Based on those correlations, the operator can take action limiting speeds that cause performance degradation.
A subscriber QoE metrics can be compared with the metrics of the groups it belongs to.
Dual stack support for Splynx billing (joint rate policy for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the same subscriber).
A rate policy can be changed from a subscriber group dashboard.
Subscriber group membership can be defined using IP address ranges and VLAN tags. New REST fields subscriberRanges and vlanIds have been added to manage these new memberships.
Maximum number of subscriber groups per subscriber has been increased to 7 (plus a default all-subscribers group).
Flow policies have an optional priority field to decide their relative priority when a subscriber or subscriber group rate limit is being applied. Flows with higher priority will have faster speeds than lower priority ones, all within the overall limit.
A rate policy can now limit the maximum number of flows for a subscriber. A new REST field flowLimit has been added to manage this setting.
New heatmaps in QoE metrics and subscriber group pages. The heatmap helps in analyzing the subscriber/group metrics charts by converting metric values to intensity of color, which facilitate the detection of patterns over time.
Improvements in usability of the configuration pages for policies, rules and profiles: direct access to common operations on the page, instead of having to select them from the page menu.
Tables of profiles with multiple entries can be expanded or collapsed to facilitate the review of their content.
Support for Mellanox NIC cards (requires bqnkernel-R3.0.16 or later).
Update Magis TV signature.
Improvements in automatic prioritization of interactive flows.
In Splynx integration, BQN assigns rate policy and subscriber-id to IPv6 addresses, independent of IPv4 addresses (from R4.22.9).
GUI with new design. Includes a dark mode (default) and a light mode.
From R4.21.5:
- RADIUS proxy mitigation of Mikrotik erraric Accounting stop+start in DHCP configuration.
- Added policyAssignedBy field in REST subscriber information.
- Support special characters (\'"#|) in user interface and REST.
Rate limits per subscriber groups, defined by rate policies (also configurable via REST)
Added all-subscribers group by default
Maximum subscriber groups per subscriber: 3 defined by IP + 4 by subscriber-id + all-subscribers
Ability to skip subscriber group rates per flow policy
Status->Subs->QoE_Metrics & Status->Subs->Groups load with time evolution
Configurable blocking based on status for integration
Updated DPI signatures (Star+, MagisTV, DirectTV, Paramount+, Globo, Amazon Prime, Telegram)
Added Huawei Radius AVPs to limit rate
Subscriber-group and subscriber-id metrics via REST
REST subscriber info not limited to REST-provisioned subscribers
https DPI category now https-no-sni, http DPI category now http-no-host-header
With many CPUs, reserve a few of them to handle GUI tasks
New live-mode DPI graph in subscriber dashboard
Subscriber-groups from network data in Azotel, Powercode, Sonar, Visp and Wispro
Sonar billing: blocking can be based on delinquency status
Sonar billing: policy names can use Sonar service names
Configure->Optimization Settings warns when TCPO is about to be configured without flow-shaping and when ACM is set without rate limits per subscriber.
New RADIUS proxy deployment option, for rate policies and time and volume quota management.
Flow tables in subscriber dashboard now include DPI, also in Live mode.
Access & Internet profiles now allow specifying L4 protocol.
BQN bypass of traffic based on access IP ranges.
DPI Latencies now shown graphically, instead of as a table.
Subs-group dashboard accessible clicking in subs-group time-evolution graphs.
Sonar billing: configurable non-block status values.
Can export to CSV up to 500 top subscribers inStats->Subscribers->Top_Total.
Update Steam DPI signatures.
Update DPI per port and per protocol signatures.
Flow policies now clickable in subscriber dashboard flow tables.
New stacked chart for interface throughput.
Fixed bug in time profiles with daylight savings time change.
Performance improvement in IO processes.
Improved ACM implementation (better search for optimum speed and avoids unnecessary shaping).
New "Live mode" in the subscriber dashboard, to view metrics and flows in real-time, with a granularity of 1 second.
More granular traffic information in DPI Hourly statistics(5 minutes in Statistics->DPI Service Analysis->Hourly Volume per Service and 10 minutes in subscriber dashboard).
Added time-evolution chart for main metrics in Status->Subscribers->QoE Metrics.
Added time-evolution chart for main metrics in Status->Subscribers->Subscriber Groups.
Main subscribers and servers for a DPI category can now be accessed with a right-click in Statistics->DPI Service Analysis->Hourly Volume per Service.
A click on Main subscriber and Main servers IP addresses fora DPI category go to the subscriber dashboard and the DPI latency page respectively.
In Statistics->Subscribers->Top by Time, it is now possible to click on a top subscriber and go directly to that subscriber's dashboard.
New Administration->Backup->Load options,allowing merging configuration commands.
Quota general parameters moved from Configuration->Quotas to Status->Subscribers->Subscriber Quotas.
New Configuration->Subscriber Quotas linked to Status->Subscribers->Subscriber Quotas.
New Configuration->Subscriber Groups linked to Status->Subscribers->Subscriber Groups.
New Statistics->Subscribers-> Groups linked to Status->Subscribers->Subscriber Groups.
From R4.17.2:
- In Status->Subscribers QoE Metrics and Subscriber Groups, "Unplot all" option added to unplot all items in time evolution charts at once.
- In Status->Subscribers QoE Metrics and Subscriber Groups, time evolution charts show 10 items by default for performance reasons and allow a maximum of 30 items.
- In Subscriber Dashboard, export of flow table in live mode.
- In Status->Subscribers QoE Metrics, in charts of metrics over time, a right click on a subscriber IP in the chart legend will lead to this subscriber's dashboard.
- In Subscriber Group dashboard, link to QoE Metrics of main subscriber groups.
- In Wispro Billing, client public id is a possible source of Subscriber ID.
Integration with Wispro billing system.
Billing status page: a billing status page provides more detailed information about the synchronization of the BQN with the billing system.
Subscriber groups can also be defined based on subscriber IDs, so subscribers with dynamic IPs can be tracked as part of the group.
New Subscriber ID profile to define flow, rate or monitor rules based on subscriber identifier patterns.
New Subscriber group profile to define flow, rate or monitor rules based on subscriber group name patterns.
Audit logs.
Configurable GUI session inactivity timeout.
Enforcement of strong passwords.
Per subscriber DPI information may be hidden to users with operator profile.
Disk usage status chart.
New statistics per subscriber groups (Status->Subscribers->Subscriber_Groups).Subscriber groups defined from GUI or REST API.
Throughput statistics now with L3/L4 breakdown in Statistics->Throughput->Overview.Previous overview now in Statistics->Throughput->Optimization).
Time and Volume quota management in Status->Subscribers->Quotas(in addition to existing REST API).
New Status->Subscribers->Attributes, withbetter information, replacing old Status->Radius/REST/Billing->Subscribers.
Better Status->Policies (Flow, Rate, Monitoring),with better information, replacing old Status->Radius/REST/Billing->Policiesand Status->Policies.
Flow details with DPI domains in Status->Flows->Details,replacing Status->Flows->Per Subscriber.
System logs from GUI.
Node DPI information is available via REST API.
General disabling of shaping and in Configuration->OptimizationSettings.
New software bypass in Configuration->OptimizationSettings.
Automatic detection of DPDK/PCAP interface mode in installationconfiguration wizard.
From R4.14.2: traffic captures from GUI.
Export feature to write table content to a csv file.
HTTP redirection when quota exhausted.
New REST API node metrics:
- Traffic volume
- Flows
- Latency
- Retransmissions
- Congestion
- Traffic at maximum speed.
Detailed network interface information.
Integration with billing system.
RADIUS Connect-Info support (from 4.12.3).
Enforcement of time and/or volume subscriber quotas through the REST API.
From 4.11.3, policy flow options to define traffic types not subject to quotas and to decide behavior when quota exhausted (blocking or slow down speed).
Metrics of congestion and traffic near top speed through the REST API.
Subscriber status table includes a warning counter of KPIs exceeding their threshold, to facilitate focusing on subscribers experiencing quality issues.
New TCPO Statistics over time, with an overall acceleration value and simpler charts.
TCPO Speed & Acceleration Status can now be calculated over up to one week.
The Subscriber Dashboard can now be requested by either IP Address or subscriber ID.
The DPI statistics can now be filtered by either IP Address or subscriber ID.
The main clients for each service can now be shown by either IP Address or subscriber ID.
The top subscribers by volume can now be shown by either IP Address or subscriber ID.
The latency per service graphs have been extended to 1 month (instead of just three days).
New dashboard alarms for NTP and forBilling Systems Synchronization.
DPI now detects IMAP, POP and SMTP overSSL/TLS.
Improved Automatic Congestion Management.
Support for policy selection through Radius Class AVP
Support for IPv6 subscriber addresses in REST interface
New subscriber monitoring page in Status->Subscribers (Statistics->Subscribers->Metrics deprecated).
DPI statistics of up to one month.
New Powercode integration with better performance.
Integration with Sonar billing system (v2)
Subscriber ID searchable in GUI
Integration with Splynx billing system
Subscriber dashboard window
SNMP configuration
TCPO Acceleration metrics per service/application
DNS for Powercode & Azotel integration
New Bequant logo in GUI
Azotel: block subscribers without a valid subscription (from 4.6.3).
Faster TCPO metrics (from 4.6.3).
Improved shaping, including improved FQ-CODEL (from 4.6.3).
Azotel billing integration.
Histograms with main client/server IP addresses per service.
Modal charts in Subscriber metrics.
Multiple Powercode equipment categories (from 4.5.2).
ACM enabled for billing dynamic policies (from 4.5.2).
XBox software update DPI signature (from 4.5.2).
New Automatic Congestion Management, based on advanced machine-learning algorithms, to automatically detect congestion situations and, in those case, apply a dynamic limit to mitigate the latency and packet losses caused by the congestion.
New Time Profiles, to allow specifying subscriber flow and rate policies as a function of the day-of-week and the time-of-day
Integration with Powercode billing systems
Integration with Cisco qos-policy RADIUS AVPs
Shaping policies per flow: it is now possible to set a limit per flow, in addition to existing combined limit to all flows of the same subscriber. Applicable to scenarios with NAT.
Sortable data tables more scalable.
In DPI Service Analysis, possibility to exclude DPI samples generated by monitoring policies (to eliminate biases caused by those policies, for example, because of full DPI of specific IPs).
Fixes the issue of slow speeds when doing shaping or rate-limiting when turning off overall TCPO.
Sortable data tables in:
- Status->Flows->Per Subscriber
- Status->Radius/REST->Subscribers
- Status->Subscribers
- Status->Policies
- Statistics->Subscribers->Metrics
Administration->General settings
- Host name
- IPv6 prefix for subscribers
- UDR production rate
Speedtest DPI identification.
Latency per service charts.
Automatic UDR rate production.
Subscriber metrics available via REST API.
Rate-policy profile, to define policy flow rules based on the name of the policy rate of the subscriber.
RADIUS Ascend AVPs supported (data-rate and xmit-rate).
In policy flows, drop rules for Internet-incoming SYN, UDP and IP other flows.
TCP improvements.
Up to 3 months of Subscriber metrics (usage, latency,retransmission, max speed, flows).
Dynamic policy rate creation from RADIUS.
Overall retransmission metrics.
PPS in Dashboard.
TCP improvements.
Niagara bypass.
Support of 25 Gbps and 100Gbps with Intel E810 network interfaces.
Better management of REST/API policies and subscribers.
Access to subscriber status and usage from subscriber tables.
DPI for QUIC-IETF and QUIC-vQ050.
DPI for Bittorrent.
Load a policy configuration respecting the server specific configuration (to load the same policies to several BQN servers).
RADIUS client description field.
Automatic Congestion Detection (ML).
Show API policies in GUI.
Show subscriber API policy assignments in GUI.
More graphical dashboard.
Subscriber usage of up to three months.
Status Flow per Subscriber introduced.
Status Subscribers much improved.
Cambium platform.
Traffic counter improvements.
Burst transition duration.
New Dashboard, with more information and more frequent updates.
Improved TCP.
REST API includes subscriber and policy IDs.
More IPs in OAM firewall.
Renovated system alarms.
SNMP traps.
New MIB.
Clearer DoS over time chart.
API Rest can specify rate policy parameters.
Centralized DoS thresholds.
Configuration backup/restore.
UDR generation in Subscriber monitor policy.
Tracking flows can be subject to shaping.
Subscribers and flows per Policy (Status->Policies).
Subscribers per Policy over time(Status->Subscribers->Per Policy).
Flows per policy over time (Statistics->Flows->Per Policy).
Release Naming Conventions
BQN software release is identified by three digits (e.g., R4.1.1):
- The first digit indicates a major release (e.g., Release 4). A major release requires new platform packages (normally it is not compatible with platform packages from previous major releases).
- The second digit indicates a minor release within the major release (e.g., Release 4.1). Contains new functionality and it is compatible with the platform packages of its major release. Simply involves the installation of a BQN package.
- The third digit is a patch number, delivering corrections of the minor release. This is the convention from R4.1 onwards.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.